Will Tomkinson
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sledding Set Slide to Southern Slope
I really can not believe Miss 604 beat me to it!
New Westminster is a haven for snow sledding for the youthful and the young at heart. As any one who has walked uptown from the New Westminster Skytrain station can attest, we have got some hills in this fair city! While there are a good number of sledding sites around the Royal City and a notable one at the North East corner of Queen's Park, perhaps the snowy hill most slid upon is the one on the South side of Grimston Park, in New Westminster's West End.
Miss 604 agrees noting briefly that it is "rather tube-friendly", an important technical detail for the sledding enthusiast. With the long, excitingly steep decline, gradual leveling bottom and stunning Fraser River / Delta Shore views, this park really offers the best slope available for safe sledding. While the diminutive denizens of New Westminster used to freely slide down 6th street

I would love to post a sledding photo of the Queen's Park hill or another (perhaps by Richard McBride or Hume Park?) Send us one and we will post it up.
After all the chatter about Grimston being an "unused" park (primarily by people who live on the other side of town!), this is a great reminder why it is worth preserving. It's not just a park with a snowy hill. It's a West End community focal point, and in our part of New West there just aren't too many of those.
Back in my day (and man do I feel old saying that) when I lived in Nanaimo, we use to sled down a closed street called King or Queen or something royally monikered. Just wondering if any New West residents have ever sledded down Queens Ave here in NW?